Business Grants for Young Entrepreneurs with Disability

To stimulate a disability continuum that is economically empowered, we will be enrolling young adults with disability who are entrepreneurs to our financial trainings and provide grants to support their businesses. This will stimulate economic empowerment of the disability ecosystem.

Leadership and Capacity Development of Children with Disability

Children with disabilities can aspire for leadership positions presently and in the future. To stimulate a world where no child with disability will be intimidated, we will be empowering children irrespective of the disability with leadership and other capacity building skills in their respective schools. 

Sport Fest 3.0

Sport Fest  is an annual sporting event to celebrate and commemorate the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. The theme for this year is “Play Without Barriers” which emphasizes the importance of accessibility, equity, and inclusion for every child irrespective of disability. This event involves the participation of Over 200 chilcdren fronm different public inclusive […]

This Ability 4.0

This Ability is an awareness and advocacy event used to commemorate and celebrate children with disabilities on children’s day. In addition, it enlightens the society about the abilities embedded in person with disability. The theme is “Empowering every voice”. The event consist of parent seminar, art exhibition, talent competition and financial grants for young adult […]

Hiring of Therapists, Sign Language Interpreters, Digital and Vocational Instructors

Public Inclusive or Mainstream schools In Nigeria do not have therapists in school. This is essentially needed to aid growth of differently-abled children. In addition, there is 1 sign language interpreter to 50 children with disabilities in public inclusive schools. This demotivates every child with disability. To aid holistic development of children with disabilities, therapists […]

Building an Ability Center (TVET Center)

Children with disabilities can thrive, become independent and contribute their quota to the society when empowered with skills tailored to their abilities. We want to build an empowerment center to empower over 1 million differently-abled children with digital and vocational skills such as graphics design, web design, coding, shoemaking, tailoring, hairdressing, catering, arts and crafts. […]


This is our second annual children’s day event for celebrating children with disability. The theme is unleashing abilities in disability. It’s a disability awareness event to enlighten the society about abilities of special needs children. It going to take place May 26/27th 2023. The event consist of Parent Seminar, Talent competition and Skill Exhibition of […]

Getting Out-of School Children back to School

UNICEF published in January, 2022 – “10.5 million children are out of school in Nigeria, which is the highest rate in the world. ” Nigeria has the world’s highest rate of out-of-school children. In Nigeria’s 2022 budget signed into law, 7.2 per cent is allocated to the education sector which is very less compared to […]

Sport Fest

This is an annual event dedicated to show the sporting abilities in children with disabilities. It is done to commemorate the International Day of Persons with Disabilities . This event will be held on December, 3rd 2022. We will be inviting four inclusive schools with over 200 children with disabilities, vendors who are persons with […]

Building Of A Digital Innovation Hub

This is a long term plan of Raising Star Africa to build a private digital innovation hub that will privately cater for every child with disabilities in Lagos, Nigeria. We will enroll children with disability immediately graduating from secondary school for early intervention. We will equip them with skills such as coding, web design, programming […]