Our Programs

Our programs help us achieve our mission is to support, empower and inspire quality education and life skills among differently-abled and less privileged children across Africa. With the help of our sponsors, volunteers, and team, these programs are a result of dedication, hard work, and focus.


The Star Teacher

We organize capacity building initiatives such as life skills trainings to empower teachers with pedagogical and behavioral skills to improve learning outcomes of children with disabilities and manage classroom behaviors.
Support Inclusive School Initiative

Support Inclusive School Initiative

We enhance learning, positive classroom and accessibility for children with disabilities by renovation of schools and classrooms, supporting schools with classroom furniture and refurbishment.
Stars Out Initiative

Stars Out Initiative

We facilitate social exposure and interaction for children with disabilities by taking the children out on excursion and different outings such as Shopping malls, airports, amusement parks and sites.
Vocational Training

Vocational and Self-sufficiency Skill Trainings

We are breaking the barriers in the limitations of children with disability and learning disabilities by providing them with lifelong skills to become independent.
out of school

Getting Out-of-School children back to school

We are preparing a future where every child will have access to quality education irrespective of their backgrounds.
Educational Materials

Provision of educational resources to children

We support the less-privileged children with resources like textbooks, notebooks, sandals, school bags and school uniforms to increase education outcomes.
Girl Child Education

Girl child Education

We enhance learning, positive classroom and accessibility for children with disabilities by renovation of schools and classrooms, supporting schools with classroom furniture and refurbishment.